Safety, Health & Environmental Rules And Regulations

Construction is a high-risk industry that encompasses a wide range of construction, alteration, and repair activities. Construction workers are exposed to a variety of risks, including falling from height, unprotected machinery, being struck by heavy construction equipment, electrocutions, silica dust, and asbestos. Therefore, Aik Bee Construction Sdn. Bhd. prioritise the health and safety of all workers.

Aik Bee Construction Sdn. Bhd.’s approach to health and safety focuses on more than the industry standards and procedures. It is the secret behind our flourishing people and communities where we respond to health and safety via constant learning, communication, and being flexible to the difficulties that arise with changing times. 

At Aik Bee Construction Sdn. Bhd., we believe that in order to provide exceptional service, we must continually enhance what goes right and broaden our understanding. This is why more than only industry standards and procedures are addressed in our approach. All of our projects follow the same health and safety principles, and we are committed to ensuring that everyone gets home safely every day. 

Safety, Health and Environmental Practices

Health Management

Good health awareness practices

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Approved PPE to be wore all the time

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Emergency preparedness and response plan before work commencement

Safety Briefing

Conduct HSE awareness on site regularly

Audit Inpection

Ensure the HSE compliance at site

Material Storage and Stacking

Logistic location for material to prevent damages and easy handling

Safety Signage

HSE awareness and precaution to all people who enter the site

HSE Documentation

Ensure all HSE data is documented and safe keep all the time